Netta Peltola is a GMD alumnus who has just completed this stunning project with Jotta Studio

THE GREEN RAY — Canal Convergence 2018. Scottsdale, Arizona, US

If you watch the sun descending as it sets behind the horizon line you may be lucky enough to see a phenomena called the ‘green ray’.

Inspired by the appearance of this phenomena, THE GREEN RAY embodies the rising and falling of the Arizona sunset. The semi-circular sculpture floats just above the water level, using the reflection of the water to complete its form into a full sphere. Powered by solar energy, the installation links our dependence on the life-giving elements of sun and water. At night, the installation becomes illuminated to create one full cycle of the sun’s movement. Gradually, the sun shifts through the hues of the colour spectrum towards a blood orange sunset, and finally at twilight, it reveals the fleeting moment of the ‘green ray’, before resting on the blue hour of the night.

Netta’s role was to develop the creative concept and design of the installation, which she hopes will have an extended life: “We are very excited waiting to hear where it will travel next, there are few opportunities in the US that will be confirmed at later date!”

Netta reflects on her career so far;
“I’ve always been interested in storytelling in the physical environment.  I first started by self-initiating proposals for sculptural projects (during my studies at LCC), targeting festivals (Green Man Festival, Secret Garden Party) and retail spaces (Selfridges). After graduation, I joined Jotta Studio as an Art Director, and since then I’ve designed for exhibitions, public art projects and brand experiences. I’ve been fortunate to work together with different specialists and learn about range of production and fabrication processes. At Jotta, we have been very tight knit team, collaboratively learning and supporting each others ideas.
This was the last project I did with Jotta and I’ve recently left the studio and started freelancing in a new country (Denmark) which has definitely been challenging  ;-)”