Billboard design of a figure in a green forest

Team 1E – Billboard. Design: Eikou Zhang. Photo: Luis del Río.

As part of the Professional Practices Unit during the second year of the course, BA GMD students have the opportunity to collaborate in teams with students from other courses and work on live projects for outside clients.
This year, GMD students contributed to 8 of the winning project presentations. We asked some of them about their experiences working collaboratively…


Client: Glimpse
Project: Nature Rendering

I was the main creative and designer of this project, with Yuting Qi (GMD) contributing to design iterations as well. The other team members mostly engaged in ideation and research.
The primary objective of this project brief was to generate enthusiasm for the spring season and instil anticipation among the younger demographic for the spring of 2024. Our entry point primarily emphasises the dynamic attributes of spring. When considering each of the four seasons individually, it is evident that only spring and autumn exhibit dynamic characteristics. Autumn is a season that gradually loses its vibrancy, while spring is a season that brings forth new life. We compared spring to the process of nature being rendered, similar to a image being prepared for rendering and exporting.”
Eikou Zhang

Team 1E: Yuting Qi, Eikou Zhang & Xinyi Wei (GMD), Tianyi Yang (UXD), Jiayue Zhou & Eryao Wei (IVM).


Client: Glimpse
Project: Dreaming of Spring

In this project, I drew and composited the dream sequence with IVM student Mohan Lai. It was a new but very rewarding and informative experience for me, and I enjoyed structuring the animation from start to finish with a fun, dynamic storyboard.”
Kemi Adebari

Team 13D: Kemi Adebari & Yusheng Chen (GMD), Wendy Li (DAD), Mohan Lai (IVM), Tanu Flaherty (IDA).


Client: Not Just a Shop – UAL
Project: London Calling

I designed several logos based on a visual strategy to promote London Calling for Not Just a Shop and recall the special meaning of the symbol of London. Tube billboards and digital screen advertisements were designed to be placed in specific tube stations related to the London symbol.
Yeojin Ryu

Team 5H: Yeojin Ryu (GMD), Monique Pulvirenti (IDA), Saya Chen (IVM), Gabrielle Ramsay & Kyle Schilling (DM), Chanyu Lu (DBS).


Client: South East London Integrated Care Board (NHS South East London)
Project: Social Media Campaign – encouraging people aged 25-29 to attend their Cervical Cancer Screening

In this project, my role as a graphic designer was multifaceted. I crafted presentation layouts, created title slides for the animation, and defined the campaign’s visual identity.

Embarking on this collaborative project, initially I was apprehensive, but it quickly changed when I met the remarkable individuals from my group. Through collaboration, I’ve not only acquired new valuable skills but also discovered the beauty in our diverse perspectives. Together, our differences have created a wonderfully creative and rich outcome.”
Luiza Galdeano Bassi Aranha

Team 10F: Luiza Galdeano Bassi Aranha (GMD), Ed Watson & Joe Slater (IVM), Jae Yong (DM), Charlotte Holley (DAD).


Courses: BA (Hons) – Graphic & Media Design (GMD), Illustration & Visual Media (IVM), Design for Art Direction (DAD), Interaction Design Arts (IDA), User Experience Design (UXD), Design Management (DM), Design for Branded Spaces (DBS).

With thanks to Professional Practices Coordinator, Steph McLaren-Neckles and all of the staff involved in supporting these projects.

Billboard design of a figure in a green forest

Team 1E – Billboard. Design: Eikou Zhang. Photo: Luis del Río.

3 stills from the animated film

Team 13D – 1: Kemi Adebari (GMD). 2: Mohan Lai (IVM). 3: Wendy Li (DAD) & Yusheng Chen / Lucas (GMD). Sound: Tanu Flaherty (IDA).

Poster designs for different settings

Team 5H – 2. Digital Screen mock-up by downloaded from Adobe stock. 3. Product images for billboards from Not Just a Shop website.

Poster, characters, storyboard and team members – composite images.

Team 10F – Poster, characters and storyboard designs. Team member selfie.