Octavo Redux 1:1

The eight issues of Octavo, journal of typography, edited designed and published by the London-based studio 8vo between 1986 and 1992, have acquired cult status. Copies sell for exorbitant prices and only rarely become available. But it’s now possible to see all eight issues at actual size in Octavo Redux.
The book has been designed and edited by two of Octavo’s original designers and editors – Hamish Muir (GMD Tutor) and Mark Holt. And, as with the journals themselves, the book uses high-end production techniques to faithfully reproduce the original publications.
Spreads of the printed issues are reproduced from high resolution digital photography of the original untrimmed Octavo press sheets specially commissioned from GMD alumnus György Kyrossy. The book is printed offset-litho using hybrid print technology (stochastic screening, full RGB spectrum, cold UV inks). The results are stunning.
Octavo Redux also documents covers and spreads from the full-scale working prototypes made by 8vo during the design process for each issue of Octavo and it also shows selected type specifications and proof mark-ups for the pre-desktop computer in-position page-make-up typesetting systems employed in the production of the later issues of the journal.
A record of Octavo, journal of typography, 1986–92
Published by Unit Editions.