Materials used in the creation of mycelium tiles.

Fungal Flourishes: study

The Graphic and Media Design residency is an opportunity for one or a team of GMD alumni to work within the course and develop their own project over the course of three weeks to be exhibited alongside students in the LCC Show.

Fungal Flourishes is a relief ornament collection made in mycelium by GMD Alumni Peter Roden and Marion Bisserier during their residency at the college. The design duo’s shared fascination for fungi sparked an on-going exploration between graphic form and sustainable materiality.

Thanks to the amazing opportunity of this residency, Peter and Marion set themselves the challenge of creating a set of ornamental mycelium tiles. Inspired by the interconnected nature of fungi, the project bridged multiple workshops from letterpress, glyph design, to 3D modelling and vacuum forming. A reflection of how nature is constantly happening as series of transformations rather than being a collection of individual specimens.

Marion and Peter’s choice to grow glyphs into mycelium connected their inspiration back to its raw origin, creating a full-circle moment. Working with this entirely compostable material brought them closer to the impact they have when producing a physical outcome and question the sustainability of the typical A to B journey in design. Fungal Flourishes is about introducing a cyclical, alternative design model that will disintegrate in order to give birth to life again.

The invaluable participation and enthusiasm of the GMD students from initial research to production elevated this residency to a rich exchange around the future of the design practices.”

Materials used in the creation of mycelium tiles.

Fungal Flourishes: study

Test tiles.

Fungal Flourishes: studies

Close up of a test tile with punk/red fungi growing out of it.

Fungal Flourishes: study

Photograph of decorative tiles made from mycelium, hung on a wall.

Fungal Flourishes: final tiles

Close up photograph of decorative tiles made from mycelium.

Fungal Flourishes: tiles, detail

Section of decorative tiles made from mycelium, being mounted on a wall.

Fungal Flourishes: tiles, installation