Poster design promoting the Second Life exhibition

Poster for the exhibition.

We were interested to hear about the work of 2nd year GMD student, Jonas Malinauskas, who was very busy over last summer in Second Life (SL)…

In the virtual space, I go by aliases Keiko Clementine and/or keikumu. I own a virtual make-up brand (keikumu) focused on expanding the market with my products and unique aesthetic. I established my brand in 2019, during a fight with cancer, and that was my gateway to experience the world, while being shielded from it. I have always tried to have an authentic brand, that does not focus on profit, but on providing quality and a different point of view in SL, a space where most things mimic our daily lives. Because of my photography and adverts, I quickly gained momentum, opening a space for other creatives to pursue similar projects.

After 4 years of hard work and honing my skills, in August 2023 I collaborated with Grab By The Horns (GBTH) for KLUB15. I created the design of the poster and did all the photography, while curators Marina and Different (these are their virtual aliases) helped with the logistics and brought the exhibition space to life.

KLUB15 is my own point of view on the world of Second Life: the beauty standards, the highly fetishised side of the platform and my own connection with the unique world.”

Jonas Malinauskas

See the exhibition here:

+ an interview with Keiko Clementine:

Poster design promoting the Second Life exhibition

Poster for the exhibition.

An image of the virtual exhibition space.

Picture of the exhibition space.

Image of a female form on hands and knees against bright sunset colours, neon pinks and yellows.

One of the exhibition pieces, a fan favourite.