Anmar Matrood graduated from the Graphic & Media Design BA in 2014 and currently lives and works in Finland. Here he talks about a recent project he worked on that resonates with the ethical design values of GMD.

I work as a design lead at Gofore, one of the leading consulting companies in Finland. Since a university project (Zero Carbon Britain) I’ve been hooked on environmental issues. The management recognised my interest in the topic –occasionally, I wrote about it too: UX Design to rescue the planet! Or help at least.

I was then approached by Kristiina Härkönen (Chief Sustainability Officer at Gofore) to be the lead for the environmental pillar for Gofore’s Code of Ethics. This mainly involved workshop facilitation, user research and occasional personal input.

In a period of six months, we’ve produced the document, Code of Ethics – i.e. How to be a human at Gofore. This manual describes our ethical foundation and guidelines for being a human being at Gofore. With the Code of Ethics, we promote a healthy and safe work environment for our current and future coworkers and maximise our positive impact on our customers and society.

The aim of this code is to:

1. Maximize the positive societal impact of our actions in project work.

2. Promote a more open, functional, and democratic society in customer projects.

3. Gofore actively seeks projects that leave the world in a better state than where we started. This applies to the societal, economic, and environmental aspects of our work.

4. Gofore aims to be a forerunner in environmentally sustainable business.

The Full Code guide can be viewed here:

Illustrations: Janni Valkealahti,