To coincide with the Alan Kitching and Monotype – Celebrating a Centenary of Five Pioneers of the Poster exhibition, twelve students from GMD, DPS and Illustration were asked to design a monogram of twelve characters/personalities from Monotype’s History. Each of the designs came together to form a small booklet called ‘Twelve Characters of Monotype.’ Printed at the London College of Communication between 8-10 October 2014, it was the first project to be launched at the newly set up Letterpress workshop.

“To get us started, we were briefed with a short biography of our designers. With only the first day to develop an idea, the designs had to be ready for printing on the following days. This time constraint really made us push for an optimal idea whilst having Alan Kitching share his feedback and knowledge. The workshop did run over a bit but that was inevitable – given the dedication to problem solving needed for such a meticulous practice. Under the directions of Alan Kitching, Alex Cooper and Christian Granados, the resulting works explored the fundamentals that reflected our designers approach, work and life”

Loi Xuan Ly